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Cambodia is a beautiful country that magnetizes visitors with its breathtaking vistas, architectural magnificence, and cultural richness. As you step into this country, you’ll be greeted by thick forests, charming valleys, and lush flora and fauna. Divided into twenty-five different provinces, it is a melting pot of different cuisines, cultures, and traditions. Home to the famous Angkor Wat and many other beautiful temples, the spiritual seekers are bound to have the time of their life over here. It is also known for its urbane lifestyle and ultra-chic venues where you can have never-ending fun and entertainment. It casts a spell on the visitors by offering the perfect medley of the modern and the old offerings. There are many pubs, bars, and nightclubs over here where you’ll find the best of the music, food and the drinks. Cambodia is a mix of everything that travelers seek in a country and yet it’s on the list of lesser-known gems in Asia. Describing this Asian country is not an easy feat owing to its glorious yet turbulent past. Cambodia’s architectural marvels, ancient structures and revered temples are deeply interwoven with its culture.